Disclaimer: Welcome! The purpose of this blog is to share fitness tips, fitness routines and supplements that have worked well for me. Everybody has their own opinions related to fitness and I am just sharing mine. You are welcome to share your thoughts and experiences as well. If there is anything else you'd like to see just let me know and I'll do my best to accommodate your needs. :)
After being sick for over 6 weeks, I can finally say that I'm nearly back to feeling 100%. My workout schedule has suffered greatly because I had no energy or motivation at all. I tried to workout a few times, but I was nowhere near to what I could do prior to getting sick. I've been a little hard on myself lately because I feel guilty for not working out regularly, but when you're sick there really isn't much you can do except for rest and and hope to get better soon right? Today was the first day in 6 weeks that I was able to do a full workout. I'm feeling a lot better already and I'm looking forward to working back up to where I was prior to getting so sick. :)
Has anybody else caught any of the nasty sicknesses going around?
I just came across an excellent article by Carolyn Hansen who has worked in the Fitness Industry for over 30 years, that I wanted to share with you. :)
No More Failed Diets - Increase Metabolism With Strength Training By []Carolyn Hansen
The statistics are revealing when it comes to weight loss with only two or three people in every 100 people who goes on a diet succeed in losing weight permanently. The rest gain it back again, and often gain back an additional 10 % more than was lost in the first place. More figures uncover the fact that the average dieter begins and breaks four diets a year.
No one who sets out and begins something and fails feels good about it. Where dieting is concerned, it's a story of frustration on a mass scale, and yet, the futility of dieting doesn't deter those that are determined to shed excess weight.
People think this time it's going to work, this time I'll stick to it, or this new diet or pill will do the trick. Maybe you can relate to that kind of thinking, maybe you have experienced the struggle. Then, when the diet fails yet again you feel defeated and discouraged. And why shouldn't you?
The question is, why does this happen? Why do diets fail? The answer is really easy but it is still not been recognized by the main stream. Diets fail because they do not address the real problem underlying the excess body fat.
Living this Westernized lifestyle slows our metabolic engine down to a crawl. Our lowered engine size drops the metabolism (the rate the body burns fuel) causing it to burn fewer calories. The energy needs become so low that it causes food calories to be stored as fat even when eating very little.
The usual reaction to becoming overweight is to restrict food or go on a "diet". This makes the situation even worse by slowing the metabolism down even further. The end result is fatigue, feeling miserable and deprived with the hour by hour struggle and low motivation levels not only for exercise but life in general. Not really a recipe that one would want to continue for long.
So what's the alternative? We all need to get our heads around the fact that we need a minimum level of activity in our lives if we are to remain slim, strong and energetic. Not being active also ages us prematurely and exposes us to a greater risk of disease that could well cut our life short.
The quick and easy solution is to start and continue a proper exercise program that includes at least 60% strength training to reverse this whole situation and rebuild an inadequate metabolic engine. Make no mistake no other exercise will do the job so quickly and so well as this special type of exercise.
It is important that advice on setting up this program and correct exercise instruction is obtained from a fitness professional. If it is to work properly the right exercises must be used. It is also important to use the right amount of repetitions and the right amount of resistance. Then the entire program needs to be performed with the right amount of intensity (degree of difficulty) and progression in all exercises needs to be achieved to get the full benefits.
Just 2-3 exercise sessions per week are all that is needed to recharge and rejuvenate a damaged metabolism. Add in small meals throughout the day made up of natural whole foods that will support your exercise program. You will feel so much better and will slowly reduce any excess body fat, and all without ever having to diet again.
Carolyn Hansen has worked in the Fitness Industry for over 30 years. Currently the co-owner of 2 Fitness Centres in Northland New Zealand. A National Champion Bodybuilder with over 25 years competition experience. Enjoys writing health and fitness articles for local newspapers and magazines. If you want a second chance to right the wrongs you have committed against your body, you can be rejuvenated. You can regain vitality, muscular strength, endurance and a higher quality of life. Go to for a FREE Report "I've Found the Fountain of Youth"- Let Me Show You Too!
Remember a couple weeks ago when I posted about the supplement savings event for I was really excited to try Gaspari Nutrition's SuperPump 250 so I purchased it the day it was on sale. I must say that N.O. Xplode is still my #1 favorite as far as preworkout drinks go.
The SuperPump 250 has a great taste to it. We got the tropical punch flavor and the taste is actually pretty phenomenal. I was able to drink it much easier than I can N.O. Xplode. To me it kind of tasted like cotton candy bubble gum, but not as bad. I was a bit surprised by how good it actually tasted.
After using the SuperPump 250 prior to a few workouts, I didn't really notice much of a difference than if I had not taken any preworkout drink at all. There was no real energy rush and I didn't feel any "super pumps".
I'll continue to finish what I have left, but I don't think I'll be buying the SuperPump 250 again. Some people swear by the stuff, which is why I decided to try it, but it didn't make much of a difference to me. It could be because I have already been taking N.O. Xplode though? Either way, offers free samples of SuperPump 250 so you can try it out for yourself and see.
N.O. Xplode gives me awesome energy, especially for doing cardio and I also seem to be able to lift more weight on the days I train when taking the N.O.. I hate cardio so I usually rely on my N.O. to get me through it. It seems that people either prefer the N.O. Xplode or the SuperPump so you'll just have to see which one suits you best! =)
You may not know that I never got into a regular exercise routine until after having my second son. I honestly think that because I started exercising within a matter of weeks, that it helped to get my pre-body back even faster. I'm still not where I want to be, but I am getting there. I'm getting there because I've stayed dedicated to working out. It's been amazing both for my physical health and also my mental health.
I have been suffering from severe depression following an unfortunate time in my life off and on for over 10 years. I've also been prescribed different anti-depressants throughout the past few years, which I am totally FOR. I was miserable prior to finding the right anti-depressant for me. But what I have found, is that by adding regular exercise into my lifestyle, it's really helped my mental health. Exercising post-baby can greatly help lessen the mom's chances of experiencing postpartum depression and I can honestly say that I didn't have to go through it. (I had a very mild case of it after having my first son, but I attribute that to having already been suffering from severe depression because of years prior.)
Lisa Druxman, the creator of Stroller Strides and author of "Lean Mommy" (Center Street, 2007) has created a guideline for women to follow post-natal in regards to working out. This is a guideline only and may not work for everyone.
Begin pelvic floor rehab immediately: Kegels.
Weeks 0-2: Focus on gentle activity; begin pelvic tilts and small abdominal crunches.