1. Squats!
Squats are wonderful for building up your butt muscles and they are my favorite 'butt move' of all time. If you're just starting out, you don't have to add any weight, you can just perform the squat. As you get accustomed to doing 3 sets of squats regularly, you'll eventually want to add weight. The most important thing to remember is that you should NOT be afraid to lift heavy. You need to push yourself to fire up your muscle fibers.
2. Lunges.
Okay, to be honest, I hate doing lunges. I personally think they're extremely boring, but they do help to tone and shape your butt, so I thought I should add them anyway. Some people may enjoy them, I just prefer to do other kinds of exercises. (like squats) If you are first starting out, you can perform the lunges without weights. Once your body gets accustomed to lunges, try adding some hand weights to your workout.
3. Stair/Hill Climbing.
I know not everyone has access to a hill that they can run up on a regular basis...but if you have stairs, they are a great alternative. You could also use a stair stepping machine. Skipping a stair or two will get your butt in shape even faster, plus you'll burn more fat because your body is working harder.
4. Running.
If you love to run (unlike me...haha), it can be very beneficial to your backside, plus you're getting your cardio in as well.
I hope these butt-shaping moves are helpful to you. If you have other ways to tone your butt, please do share with the rest of us. :)

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This makes me wanna stop surfing the web and start squatting the bottom.
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