*Also, if you have experience using Dren, please feel free to post your thoughts in a comment.
Let me just say...this stuff is POWERFUL! On the days I take a Dren, I must wake up before 8am if I want to take it and not have sleeping problems that night. As far as I can tell, that's the only downfall. But, my fiance does take it too on occasion and he has no problem taking it later in the day and still being able to sleep that same night.
I have tried other fat burners and Dren is my favorite by far! What I love most about it, is that it still allows me to be hungry. With other pills, I wouldn't feel hungry all day and then would begin to feel sick because I hadn't eaten. With Dren, I was able to eat 6-7 small meals a day NO PROBLEM! I had also lost 2 pounds that first week I started to take it, I'm continuing to lose inches and I haven't gained anything back.
Dren also helped my workouts. I was able to really focus on my exercises and do my cardio activities for a longer time than normal, and I HATE cardio. I would take Dren just for the fact that it helped me to stay focused on my running.
In my experience, I would give Dren 5 stars out of 5. :) Different supplements are different for everyone, but this one is my favorite and it does just what I wanted it to do.
Also, the pills are yellow and somewhat big...but guess what? They don't stick like other supplements can! LOL!
If you are interested in purchasing Dren, or reading more about it, click on the image below.

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